Understanding the NLog Log File Format

The .vln log file format is in GZIP, a binary format. You can create a text version of the .vln file using NLog's Open command and then selecting Generate a .log text file. You can also use a compression utility, such as WinZip, by copying or renaming the .vln file with a .gz extension, and then opening it in the compression utility.

The following sections explain the format of the .log text file.

Differentiating Log Messages

The major visual cue for distinguishing a Log message from a Channel Status message is the absence / presence of pound characters (##) at the start of a line:

  1. Log Message: Indicated by absence of ##

  2. Channel Status Log: Indicated by presence of ##

In the example below, Line 1- is a typical log message, while Line 2 - is a typical channel status log:

Understanding Channel Status Logs

The channel status log always starts with ## characters.

The table below explains how to parse the channel status log to retrieve certain parameters. All examples refer to the sample log message in Differentiating Log Messages.




Application Name

Between the third and fourth tilde ~


Channel Parameter

Between the fourth and fifth tilde ~

1 zero-based or 2 1-based

Control Name

Between the fifth and sixth tilde ~



Between the sixth and seventh tilde ~


Control Start Time

Between the seventh and eighth tilde ~

548 ms

Call Start Time

Between the eighth and ninth tilde ~

704 ms

Status String

Between the ninth and tenth tilde ~


Originating LineGroup Name

Between the eleventh and twelfth tilde ~ or the last pair

The name of the LineGroup control the current channel originated from


Understanding Log Messages

A Log Message has no ## characters starting at position 19.

The table below explains how to parse the log message to retrieve certain parameters. All examples refer to the sample log message in Differentiating Log Messages.




Application Name

Starts at character 1

Ends before the following /



Starts after the first /, immediately following the application name

Ends at the following empty space " "

The zero-based channel parameter is always greater than 1 character

Equal to 1 zero-based or 2 1-based


Last character or the character following the last tilde ~



Between the third and fourth tilde ~

Greater than 1 character


Log String

Starts after two non-consecutive empty " " spaces

Ends with three tildes ~~~

Greater than 1 character

ch 2 voice call ',,11'